
Geophysical studies for the evaluation of geological hazards in urban areas.

In order to obtain construction permits in the state of San Luis Potosi, it is common to be required to perform geological risk studies that include geophysical methods. These studies are fundamental to evaluate and mitigate possible geologic risks associated with the construction site.

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Characterize with geophysical techniques the active geological faults and cavities that represent a risk to the population, which may be present in avenues, highways, streets and subdivisions.

One of the main objectives is to determine the preferential course of the geological fault if it exists in the property (study area) and to rule out potential risk zones (fault branches), analyzing the subsoil with geological-geophysical techniques in future areas to be urbanized.

There are several geophysical techniques used in the analysis of geological risks, among which the following stand out:

Geo-radar: The georadar uses electromagnetic waves to map the subsurface. It is useful for identifying soil or rock layers, as well as subway structures such as faults or cavities. This technique can be valuable in assessing ground stability and the presence of potential geologic hazards.



Geoelectrical prospecting: Electrical prospecting is based on the measurement of the electrical resistivity of the subsoil. It allows to identify the presence of water, changes in soil composition and the presence of fractures. This can be relevant to assess the risk of landslides and slope stability.

Gravimetry: Gravimetry is based on the measurement of the earth's gravity. Variations in gravity can indicate the presence of geological structures, such as mountains, sedimentary basins or volcanic intrusions. This can be useful in assessing landslide risk and slope stability.


Necesidades que resuelve

Identificación de fallas geológicas, grietas y oquedades
Evaluación de la estabilidad del terreno
Evaluación del riesgo sísmico

Estos estudios son fundamentales para la planificación urbana, el diseño de estructuras seguras y la implementación de medidas de mitigación adecuadas para proteger a la población de posibles peligros geológicos.

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