Package NOM-127

Establishes the permissible quality limits and water purification treatments for human use and consumption.
Total Coliform analysis service

Fecal Coliform analysis service

Multielement determination in water samples by ICP-OES (29 elements)

AtGRDP2 protein Transgenic plant containing it

La presente invención se refiere a una proteína derivada de Arabidopsis thaliana útil para la promoción del crecimiento y resistencia al estrés osmótico, así como plantas transgénicas que la contienen.
Agronomic formulation of a transforming strain of Trichoderma virens for growth promotion and resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases in solanaceous plants (Divisional of MX308414B).

The present invention relates to novel transforming strains of the fungus Trichoderma ssp.
Transforming strains of the mycoparasite fungus Trichoderma spp. promoting growth and resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases in solanaceous plants, compositions containing them, procedure of application and use thereof

The present invention describes and claims novel transforming strains of the fungus Trichoderma ssp.
Trichoderma citrinoviride strain with antagonistic activity against plant pathogenic and growth-promoting fungi, compositions containing the same and use thereof

The present invention describes and claims a novel strain of the Trichoderma citrinoviride fungus NRRL-50452