
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) characterization analysis service.

Measurement of magnetic moment of a solid sample
6,000.00 MXN Company price
$3,000.00 MXN Academic Price
/ Price per sample

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This technique can be used to measure the magnetic moment of a solid sample:

1. As a function of the applied magnetic field at a given temperature. The most common measurements in this case are hysteresis cycles and magnetization isotherms.
2. As a function of temperature for a constant applied magnetic field. This allows thermomagnetic curves to be determined.
3. As a function of time, which allows the study of magnetization relaxation phenomena.


Once the mass or volume of the sample is known, its magnetization (i.e., the magnetic moment per unit mass or per unit volume) can be determined.

Necesidades que resuelve

Determination of magnetization in solid samples as a function of magnetic field, temperature and time.

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