Ion Erosion Depth Profile Characterization Analysis Service (Thin Films Only) (XPS)

Surface chemical characterization
Characterization analysis service in the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM JEOL JSPM 5200)

3D surface characterization of flat materials
Characterization analysis service by XPS, ARXPS, UPS, Mapping (elemental and composition)

Surface chemical characterization
Characterization analysis service in the X-ray Diffractometer (XDR SmartLab RIGAKU)

Qualitative and semiquantitative identification of crystalline compounds.
Characterization analysis service in the X-ray diffractometer for powders (XRD BRUKER D8 ADVANCE)

Characterization analysis in the X-ray diffractometer for powders
Characterization analysis service in the spectrophotometer (MICRO RAMAN RENISHAW)

Provides chemical and structural information about materials
Hardness Analysis Service (Vickers)

Measurement of the resistance of a material when penetrated
Characterization analysis service in the scanning electron microscope (ESEM FEI FEG QUANTA 250)

Characterization analysis service in the transmission electron microscope, (TEM JEOL 200 CX)

Information is obtained about the size and shape of the nanostructures
Scanning Electron Microscope Characterization Analysis Service (ESEM FEI QUANTA 200)

Detailed surface characterization of materials